MIRATECH SCR Catalytic Converters
With over 22 patent applications, there's no other SCR converter that offers technology at this level. Our SCR catalytic converters reduce pollutants for any diesel, dual-fuel or lean-burn gas engines. MIRATECH's SCR reduces regulated pollutants produced from the combustion of fossil fuels in engines such as oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and unburned hydrocarbons (VOC's). Applications vary widely and include power generation, gas compression, liquids pumping, Greenhouse CO2 augmentation and marine propulsion.
When your ready to get serious about compliance and reduced emissions, turn to the experts at MIRATECH. We've performed over 700 installations, far more than the competition.
Pioneers in engineering. Leaders in technology. MIRATECH provides you with the tools to effectively reduce harmful emissions, costs and risk of noncompliance. SCR converters from a name you've learned to trust - MIRATECH.
Features and Benefits
Our SCR catalysts work in two efficient stages: NOx reduction and oxidation stage (for combustion of CO and HC). Both stages work together, drastically reducing harmful emissions and easily satisfying exhaust gas regulations over a long period of time.
MIRATECH SCR catalytic converters help you do so much more than just meet strict regulations. They can help reduce pollutants drawn in by air intakes located too close to diesel exhaust as well as create reliable and efficient heat recovery by decreasing the fouling rate of your tubes. You'll be surprised at the reduction in noise, too. SCR converters can reduce engine noise by up to 35 DBA.
With MIRATECH you don't have to mess with complex controls assembly. Our panels come preassembled and include PLC – Programable Logic Controller. All SCR converters come with purge lines and an air assisted injection nozzle to create efficient atomization. MIRATECH allows you to have a higher level of operations control with our electrochemical analyzing package. You'll get feedback and monitoring, giving you control that's unique to the industry. MIRATECH SCR converters use urea as well traditional ammonia for reducing nitrogen oxide levels in combustion diesel exhaust gases. Urea is not only cheaper, it offers advantages in transport, storing and handling.
Features and Benefits
- Packaged controls includes urea and air pump.
Simple and quick bulk head connections for wiring and plumbing.
Safety shutdown and alarm controls.
Specified urea or ammonia operation.
Atomizing injector with air purge for urea or ammonia.
Easy access to injector for cleaning and maintenance.
Carbon or stainless steel catalyst housing.
Insulation package with aluminum or galvanized steel sheathing.
Catalast access door for easy service and maintenance.
Fiberglass socks gasket and protects unitized catalyst modules.
High-activity tungsten/vandia catalyst.
MIRATECH Corporation, 4224 South 76th East Avenue, P.O. Box 470424, Tulsa, OK 74147-0424. Tel: 918-622-7077; Fax: 918-663-5737.