Recloser System

The new Kyle Triple-Single NOVA-TS recloser has the versatility of three modes of operation with activation
N/Ae Triple-Single NOVA-TS recloser has the versatility of three modes of operation with activation easily configured using the Form 5/Triple-Single interface software via a personal computer. This recloser system is comprised of:
Three single-phase NOVA reclosers, each with its own manual trip lever and mechanical contact position indicator.
One junction box (including three interconnecting cables to the NOVA reclosers) and one receptacle provide easy access to the Form 5/Triple-single control cable.
User-specified length of control cable to adapt to mounting configurations.
Form 5/Triple-Single microprocessor based controls.
<%=company%>, PO Box 800, Milwaukee, WI 53172-0800; Tel: 414-524-3300; Fax: 414-524-3319
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